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OpenCart Development

Are you looking for an “out of the box” ready e-commerce shopping cart? OpenCart offers a simple, user friendly system with comprehensive order management and support for a wide range of payment gateways. You can also take advantage of OpenCart's excellent lifetime free support and upgrades. Just install, select your template, add your products, and you're open for business.

Some of the features and benefits of OpenCart include:

When you're ready to choose a shopping cart solution for your e-commerce store, there are some questions you should ask yourself to determine if OpenCart is the best fit for your store.

Are You Working with a Professional Web Design Company?

You could choose to go it alone when installing a simple solution like OpenCart, but with so many customizable options, available extensions, complex business rules, the importance of search optimization, and giving your website a personal touch that makes it uniquely your own, this may be one time when it is wise to budget for a web design company such as ours. While OpenCart is incredibly user friendly, web design professionals know how to optimize this program for maximum effectiveness.

Are You Looking to Get Your Products Online Fast?

The simplicity of OpenCart allows you to get a shopping cart solution up and running quickly with flexible customization. Further OpenCart will provide your customers with the enhanced user experience they are looking for.

Do You Want to Sell Products Outside the United States?

OpenCart has multiple language options, international shipping options, and is ready out of the box to handle multiple currencies, tax rates, and payment gateways. Additional options are available through downloadable extensions.

Do You Prefer a Hosted E-Commerce Solution?

OpenCart is lightweight, easy to download and easily hosted. With no IT support costs incurred by maintaining self-hosted applications, you'll reduce your operating costs significantly.

Do You Consider Search Engine Optimization a Top Priority?

Search engine optimization is key to the success of your business. OpenCart allows your website to be indexed by all major search engines. Custom product and category META tags are part of the OpenCart solution. Working with OpenCart alone, or in conjunction with a professional web design company, you'll maximize opportunities for your customers to find you. Traffic resulting from web searches can make or break your business, and you deserve every advantage.

Are You Planning on Running Multiple E-Commerce Stores?

OpenCart is ideally suited to handle multiple online stores. You'll be able to create a unique theme for each store, whether you're selling surfboards, cellphones, or sarongs - from Maui to France to Qatar - each store will reflect its own unique theme and design. Want to sell those surfboards in Maui and the cellphones in Qatar? No problem! OpenCart lets you customize products for each store. Do you have retail and wholesale customers? No problem here either! With OpenCart you can set unique customer groups with unique pricing, including quantity discounts. You'll easily be able to customize pricing, the language, tax class, and currency for each store. OpenCart includes multiple options in the basic download and additional extensions are available if needed. Do it yourself, or for a world class e-commerce site, our professional web design company can set up these options for you.

Are You Looking for Solid, Ongoing Support After the Initial Installation?

OpenCart offers community support in their free community forums, general support through their support forum, security support, bug tracking, and commercial support is available through a number of partners. Additionally, when you work with our professional web design company, we can easily handle any support issues you may have.

What Kind of Budget Do You Have Available?

OpenCart is free. Can't get better than free, right? With the money you save installing this simple shopping cart solution, you'll have more money in your pocket for investing in other key needs of your business, including professional web design, hosting, site monitoring, and advertising.

Do You Want to Integrate with WordPress?

OpenCart can be fully integrated with WordPress. An available extension updates the WordPress cart, login and logout detail with OpenCart. WordPress uses the product page that is linked to the OpenCart system. When an item is added to the WordPress cart, the same items will be reflected in the OpenCart cart.

You may be wondering how OpenCart compares to other shopping cart solutions. Let's look at a comparison between OpenCart and two other popular options, Magneto and WooCommerce. OpenCart excels over its competition in the following features:

While Magneto is a strong contender in the market offering many of the same advantages, extensions can be ridiculously expensive, a multitude of features make it feel bloated, it can be costly to run in terms of hosting, and there's a steep learning curve for this less than user friendly option. Especially when you're paying for the services of a professional web design company, why not choose the simpler, but just as effective option that can get you up and running quicker and more easily?

WooCommerce, also an easy to use free download, is comparable to OpenCart in many respects, but where WooCommerce can let you down is in the base plugin. If it isn't sufficient for your needs, premiums extensions will need to be purchased, and they are expensive. Additionally, WooCommerce is useless if you're not using WordPress. OpenCart can be integrated with WordPress, and extensions are free or very inexpensive. Here again, OpenCart proves superior to this competitor.

Customized OpenCart Development

If you are considering opening an online store, of if you already have an online store but need to really get your business thriving, OpenCart is a leading edge customizable solution suitable for most e-commerce right out of the box. As a professional web design company, we have a great deal of experience with tailoring OpenCart to your specific needs and ensuring increased traffic through search engine optimization to drive traffic to your site. We take business seriously and when we're on your team, we're committed to your success.